We provide corporate governance and board-level training courses for directors and senior executives. Our flagship courses include:

  • Director Certification Program (DCP)​
  • Director Certification Program Banking (DCP Banking) 
  • Governance for Directors​
  • Finance for Directors​
  • Audit for Directors​
  • Strategy for Directors
  • Risk Management for Directors 
  • Board Secretary Program​
  • Family Corporate Governance

MIoD Course Outlines [English] [Myanmar]


This course outlines the fundamentals of corporate governance, key functions of a board, the role of a director, and the internal and external relationships of the board. Directors will develop a deeper understanding of the role, structure and dynamics of a board, and the duties and responsibilities of being a board member. 

The Director Certification Program (DCP) is the MIoD’s flagship training program.  The DCP aims to equip directors with the key skills and knowledge required to run effective boards and discharge their duties as competent directors.  Instruction will cover modules on the building blocks of corporate governance concepts, essentials of corporate finance, control environment, corporate strategy, risk management, legal and compliance responsibilities and feature relevant case studies, interactive discussions, and guest speakers.

This Program reviews the Myanmar Companies Act (MCL) in the context of Directors roles and responsibilities including the regulatory requirements that Directors are required to follow as prescribed by the law.  The participants will also look at family governance especially succession planning by reviewing case studies of well-known families in Asia.

Successful graduates of the DCP program are eligible to join the MIoD at the Certified Director level and can elect to be featured in the MIoD Directors Registry.

An effective and accomplished board secretary provides a key role in supporting the board and its chairperson. This course is intended for individuals who need to understand the role of the board and directors, and in particular the breadth and scope the role of a board secretary.

It is also relevant to those professionals who are directly involved in providing information to the board, assisting board committees, or presenting to the board, to help them provide the best quality information and to enable them to consider what practical steps they can take to deliver better quality board support.

The MIoD Audit Committee for Directors Program is a two-day course providing targeted board-level training for audit committee members and/or other directors and executives. Developed based on IFC methodology, the Program aims to help you gain an in-depth understanding of the functioning of the Audit Committee, one of the most crucial components of a company’s corporate governance framework. The Program – facilitated by directors, industry experts, and corporate governance professionals – is delivered through interactive and dynamic sessions and draws on relevant case studies to encourage discussions and peer exchange.

This course is designed for new and aspiring directors, senior executives, and managers wanting to build their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities and their organization’s financial performance.

Safeguard and maximize the financial performance of your organization by acquiring the skills to more readily interpret and assess the three main types of financial statements – balance sheet, income statement (profit and loss) and cash flow statement and identify financial risks and opportunities.

A special program of the DCP aimed at equipping directors serving on boards of banks and other financial institutions.  In addition, to addressing all the modules of the DCP above, DCP Banking is a longer course that dives deeper into risk management, regulation and compliance that are related to the banking sector.

The audit function provides boards with an important control and governance tool to safeguard and manage an organisation.  An independent and well-functioning internal audit department plays a critical role in mitigating risk and safeguarding against mismanagement. It also ensures that the Audit Committee receives timely, accurate and comprehensive feedback about the control environment of the company.

This course provides targeted board level training for audit committee members and/ or other directors and executives. The Program aims to help you gain an in-depth understanding of the functioning of the Audit Committee including the fundamentals of an audit committee’s roles, duties, and responsibilities and its fit in the company’s governance structure. 

This course further provides a deep dive into the fundamentals of internal audit methodologies and best practices with an aim of helping internal auditors to develop a risk-based plan for implementing effective internal audit practices within their companies. 

Setting strategy for an organisation is one of the critical roles of a board of directors.  This course provides the essential knowledge and tools that board directors can employ to evaluate, create, and deliver strategy for your organisation.  We will learn frameworks and tools in analysing industries, competitive dynamics, your organisation’s strengths, and weaknesses, evaluating strategic options and creating a dynamic strategy process.  The course will also examine the collaboration between board and management to deliver effective strategy and create an effective monitoring and evaluation plan.

This course provides the fundamentals of risk oversight at board level and how effective risk management can be leveraged to improve governance, performance, resilience, and competitive advantage.  We will explore different types of risk, assessing severity and probabilities, interconnectedness of risk factors and how business can prepare and navigate uncertainty through understanding and setting risk appetite, exploring mitigating factors and utilising the role of risk committees.

Succession and wealth transfer issues, mismanagement, and conflict: they can all become commonplace as family-owned companies grow through multiple generations. How can these risks be mitigated? 

Family governance — policies and procedures that guide business practices and help families govern themselves — is the best way to ensure that the family-owned business, family resources, and family harmony are sustained over time.