Daw Wah Wah Min

Managing Director

Kaung Lin Khant Co., Ltd.


Daw Wah Wah Min is a founder and a Managing Director of Skills for Success Recruitment and Human Resource Service. she has about a decade of experience in training and social enterprise consulting, working with organizations such as the British Council Myanmar and the ILO. She is a Central Executive Committee member of Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association (MWEA), taking charge of the Responsible Business Committee. She won the Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Award from MWEA and ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Award from ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Association. Wah Wah holds an LL.B and MBA from Yangon Institute of Economics and attended Director Certification Program from Thai IOD, Audit Committee Master Program from IFC, International Labour Standards and Corporate Responsibilities Training from International Training Centre of ILO (Turin), Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations from AOTS, Japan and Active Citizens Master Facilitators Program from the British Council in England.