Dr. Tun Thura Thet

Founder and Executive Chairman | Myanmar Information Technology (MIT) Pte Ltd

Dr. Tun Thura Thet is the Chief Solutions Architect at Nirvasoft Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based regional software company specializing in enterprise solutions and digital innovation. He was also the founder and executive chairman of Myanmar Information Technology (MIT) Pte Ltd, the leading software development and system integration company in Myanmar.

Dr. Tun was a special guest speaker at the NTU Convocation in 2015 and received the NTU Alumni Achievement Award in 2021 from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In academia, he serves as a visiting professor and lecturer at Yangon University of Economics, Meiktila University of Economics, and the University of Computer Studies, Yangon, where he teaches in the Executive Master of Business (EMBA), Executive Master of Banking and Finance (EMBF), and Master of Computer Science (MCSc) programs. As an academic, Dr. Tun has published several research papers in the fields of sentiment analysis and machine learning.

Dr. Tun co-founded and served as a director of the Myanmar ICT Development Corporation (MICT Park). He was also an elected director of the Myanmar Institute of Directors (MIoD) and an independent director of the Myanmar Credit Bureau. Dr. Tun founded MIT in 1997 and is considered one of the pioneers in Myanmar’s then-nascent field of information technology. MIT provides ICT services in banking, retail, hospitality, healthcare, and digital innovation across Myanmar and regional markets. MIT was the winner of the ASEAN Business Award for the e-ASEAN sector in 2015 and the ASOCIO 2018 Outstanding ICT Company Award.


Educational Background

  • Nayang Technological University, Singapore PhD 2007-2011
  • Nayang Technological University, Singapore MSc (Information Studies) 2005-2006
  • Yangon University of Economics, Myanmar MBA 1999-2000
  • Curtin University of Technology, Australia BCom (Information Systems) 1993-1995
  • Harvard Business School (HBS) YPO President Program Executive Education 2016, 2018

Directorship Certification

  • Myanmar Institute of Directors, DCP10, August 2023

Directorship History

  • Myanmar Information Technology Pte Ltd (MIT) Founder and Chairman since 1997
  • Myanmar ICT Development Corporation Ltd (MICTDC) Director and Co-founder since 2000
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA, EMBA) Programme Master of Banking and Finance (MBF, EMBF) Programme at the Yangon University of Economics (YUEco), Ministry of Education, Myanmar. Visiting Lecturer Since 2011
  • University of Computer Studies, Yangon (UCSY) Master of Computer Science (MCSc) programme at the University of Computer Studies, Ministry of Education, Myanmar. Visiting Lecturer Since 2016
  • Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) www.ypo.org Chapter Chair 2016-2017

Functional Area

  • Education
  • Technology