Learning Series: Board/Company Secretary Program Batch 6

December 21, 2024

The Batch 6 of the Board/Company Secretary Program took place on 21 December 2024 at Inya Lake Hotel.

A huge thank you to all our incredible faculties and invited speakers Daw Kim Chawsu, Daw Wah Wah Min, Daw Min Min Ayer Naing, Daw Khine Wai Thwe, Daw Nandar Thaung and U Myo Min.

🎊Congratulations🎊 to all attendees who have completed the Board/Company Secretary Program.

We hope you were able to learn the core responsibilities of a Company Secretary/Governance Professional, the legal and regulatory components of Statutory Compliance in Myanmar for different types of company, External reporting, Meeting Management; including types of meetings, conflicts of interest, minutes, and timelines, Director Duties and Basic Corporate Governance; including governance codes and approaches at international and Myanmar level.

If you are interested in attending future training sessions in 2025, visit https://myanmariod.com/event-learning-series/training-calendar/ or contact the MIoD team at 09 427 363 904, 09 400 151 419 and 09 400 151 412 and trainingandevent@myanmariod.com.

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