U Aung Myat Khaing
Group CEO | Venue 36 Group of Companies
Aung Myat Khaing is a highly accomplished business leader with a passion for driving growth and digital transformation across organisations. As the Group CEO of Venue 36 Group of Companies, he has demonstrated an exceptional track record of success in investment, financial technology (FinTech), venture capital, and organisational management. He is a board member of several non-profit organisations, including the Myanmar Institute of Directors (MIoD), where he was nominated as a board member in 2022, and the Chan Myae Mitta Development Association (CMMDA).
With over 20 years of experience working with local and international professionals with diverse backgrounds, Aung Myat Khaing has played an instrumental role in supporting Myanmar MSME organisations in their business development, marketing, digital transformation, and organisational development. He has developed a consistent and impressive network of contacts across diverse business sectors-based associations in Myanmar and ASEAN and is recognised as an expert in business administration, organisational management, marketing, digital transformation, and people behaviours, development policies, and practices.
As a certified director, Aung Myat Khaing brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his roles and has served in various senior executive positions with organisations such as the United Nations, International Aid Organizations, Myanmar Institute of Directors (MIoD), Online Marketplace Platform Business, FinTech, IT Technologies, and Banks.
Deeply committed to advancing scientific research and promoting scientific research methods in Myanmar, Aung Myat Khaing serves as a committee member of Scientific Research and Promoting Scientific Research Methods in Myanmar, in collaboration with MindLab Malaysia and the Centre of Research Excellence at Lincoln University College. He also advises private sectors, including multinational companies and MSMEs, as well as non-governmental organisations in Myanmar, and has written articles in fields related to organisational change management, corporate governance, human behaviours, food safety, and organisational citizenship behaviour.
Aung Myat Khaing’s leadership and expertise have been invaluable to the organisations he has served, and his dedication to driving growth and digital transformation have made him a recognised and respected leader in the business community. He has been awarded the Most Resilient VC Investment Holding Company CEO 2023 (Myanmar) at the APAC CEO of the Year Awards and Business Resilience Pioneer Asia 2023 (ASIA) at the World Business Outlooks Awards.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/aungmyatkhaing/Educational Background
He graduated with a B.Sc. (Mathematics) Degree from Eastern University Yangon, Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (Yangon Economic University), Int’l Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (UK), Int’l Advance Diploma in Computer Studies (UK), International Master of Advanced Studies in Development Studies, Development Economics and International Development from The Graduate Institute of Development Studies (French: Institut universitaire d’études du développement, IUED) in Geneva, Switzerland. He is Ph.D. Candidate in Management Subject and wrote articles in Organizational Change Management, Corporate Governance, Human Behaviors, Food Safety, Organizational Citizenship Behavior related fields.
Directorship Certification
- Myanmar Institute of Directors, DCP1, 2019
Employment History
- Managing Director, Modus Operandi Company Ltd (MOMoney)
- Co-Founder / Board of Directors, Empower Myanmar Consultancy Firm
- Group CEO, Ayeyarwaddy Group of Company | ACME E-commerce | KaTay FinTech
- Director of Business Development & Marketing, KyoPay Technologies
- Chief Operation Officer, Myanmar Institute of Directors
- Country Manager, Article 19 Media Development Organization (USA)
- Country Program Manager, Christian Aid (UK)
- Civil Society Development Programme Officer, Oxfam (UK)
- Management Information System Officer, CARE International (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Design Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, CARE International (Myanmar)
- Continuous Quality Improvement Team Leader, Merlin (UK)
- Senior Developer (HMIS, Research), Myanmar Information Technology (MIT)
- Database Associate, UNDP/FAO
Directorship History
- Board of Directors / Director, EMPOWER Myanmar Consultancy Firm
- Board of Directors, Chan Myae Myitta Development Association
- Board of Directors, Ayeyarwaddy Group Company Ltd
- Director, MO Foundation
Functional Area
- Consulting
- Digital/Social Media
- Ecommerce
- Education
- Emerging Markets
- Governance
- Government, Regulatory and Public Affairs
- Human Resource Development and Strategic Talent
- Marketing
- New Product/Service Development
- Operations
- Strategic Alliances, Partnerships and/or Mergers and Acquisitions
- Strategic Planning
- Technology