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The Board/Company Secretary provides a key role in supporting the board. This course is intended for those who need to understand the breadth and scope of the role and responsibilities of both directors and those who support boards and in particular Company.

This course will discuss the role of a company secretary and provide practical instruction in relation to fulfilling that role in the context of the Myanmar Companies Law 2017 (MCL) and the requirements of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), including looking at key company secretarial regulatory compliance requirements under the MCL. Participants will be provided with a range of example documents to assist them in managing their own company secretarial activities.

By the end of the course you will understand:

  • The core responsibilities of a Company Secretary/Governance Professional.
  • The legal and regulatory components of Statutory Compliance in Myanmar for different types of company.
  • External reporting
  • Meeting Management; including types of meetings, conflicts of interest, minutes, and timelines.
  • Director Duties.
  • Basic Corporate Governance; including governance codes and approaches at international and Myanmar level


| Who should attend this program:

It is also relevant to those professionals who are directly involved in board support and board information preparation and presentation to help them provide to their boards the best quality board support and to enable them to consider what practical steps they can take to deliver better quality board support.


| Agenda

  • Introduction to Corporate Governance (CG)
  • Building an Effective Board
  • The Legal Framework for CG and Compliance in Myanmar
  • Role of Company Secretary
  • Running Successful Board Meeting
  • Good corporate governance needs effective Board Secretaries: a conversation with the regulator


| Program language:

Myanmar and English Language Program


| Program duration:

1 day In-person Course

  • 26 April 2025 (8:30 am – 6:00 pm)


| Program location:

Hotel Venue in Yangon


| Program fees:

MMK 500,000 for non-members (net of taxes and bank charges)

  • 20% discounts (Professional member)
  • 50% discounts (Certified members)
  • 10% discounts (Corporate members)


| Program delivery:

Detailed interactive classroom review of statutory reporting requirements by DICA per MCL using examples and templates.


3 Continuing Directorship Education (CDE) credits


| Registration:

Online Registration Link:


Please register by 22 April 2025.

Please contact or the office of Myanmar Institute of Directors.

Phone Number: +95 9 400151412, 400151419, 427 363 904.


| Why is Corporate Governance Important? 

Good corporate governance brings many benefits to individual companies and overall markets, including improving performance, increasing access to finance, and fostering sustained growth. In Myanmar, the Myanmar Companies Law – passed in December 2017 – is modernizing company formation and management as well as demanding stronger oversight and corporate governance structures among the country’s corporations. These are important developments for Myanmar’s overall investment climate and ones that require boards of directors and management to strengthen the accountability and transparency of their companies.

Building your company’s corporate governance structures, policy framework, and practices involves putting in place measures that can be implemented over the short, medium, and long term. Companies that are willing to undergo corporate governance changes send a strong signal to the market that they aspire to higher integrity and transparency standards. Such changes will also improve operational efficiency and performance, create greater value for shareholders, and attract more investors.


| About the Program

The Governance for Directors (formerly Corporate Governance Action Planning Workshop) is one of the flagship offerings of MIoD’s Learning Series. This course provides a deep dive into the fundamentals of the corporate governance framework and helps directors and executives develop a plan for implementing effective governance practices in their companies.

Developed based on IFC methodology, the workshop is facilitated by international and Myanmar directors, industry experts, and corporate governance professionals. It is delivered through interactive and dynamic sessions, aiming to:

  • Explain the basic corporate governance principles and why they are important for Myanmar companies.
  • Examine the role, structure, and function of the board of directors.
  • Present best practices to improve management control functions, including audit, risk, and internal control.
  • Present other pertinent governance topics such as shareholder rights, conduct, and disclosure.


| Why Attend?

  • Understand the fundamentals of corporate governance and how it applies to your company.
  • Understand why it is important to help you improve performance and attract investment.
  • Design a practical corporate governance action plan for your organization.
  • Network and share experiences with peers and international facilitators.


| Target Audience:

Board members, senior management of corporations, public sector and non-profit organisations and senior partners of professional firms who interact with boards and would like to understand the intricacies of corporate governance. (Previous attendees of the full Director Certification Program may attend this as a summary-level refresher but please note that some of the content will be repeated.)

Note: The attendees will get additional discounts for full DCP after attending the Governance for Directors program. This attendance will allow you to skip the Governance for Directors modules of DCP or attend them as refresher.


| Agenda:

  • Introduction
  • Board Effectiveness – Board Roles
  • Director Duties and Board Composition
  • Dynamics, Board Committees and Board Procedures
  • Myanmar’s Legal Environment for Directors
  • Control Environment
  • Disclosure & Transparency; Shareholder Rights


| Program language and duration:

Facilitate in Myanmar Language with English Language materials

  • from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm


| Program location:

Hotel Venue in Yangon


| Program fees:

MMK 500,000 for non-members (net of taxes and bank charges)

  • 20% discounts (Professional member)
  • 50% discounts (Certified members)
  • 10% discounts (Corporate members)


| Registration:

Please contact or the office of Myanmar Institute of Directors.

Phone Number: +95 9 400 151 412, 400 151 419, 427 363 904

Please register to reserve your spot. Spaces are limited – first come first served.

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Download Agenda and Faculty Profile


The Director Certification Program (DCP) is the country’s first-ever formal director training program with certification. The Program is part of the Myanmar Institute of Directors’ Learning Series and content is developed by Singapore Management University’s well-known Executive Program with MIoD as its local partner, where we aim to deliver executive training to a network of public and private sector leaders in Myanmar.

This unique 3 full days in-person program is set within an Asian business context and provides a well-rounded board-level view of key strategies and focal issues facing many companies in Myanmar.

This Program reviews the Myanmar Companies Law in the context of Directors’ roles and responsibilities including the regulatory requirements that Directors are required to follow as prescribed by the law. Per MCL, the Director’s liability is a very new concept in Myanmar, and the participants will hear about how to mitigate this.

Review of key challenges Myanmar companies are facing today while implementing a strong corporate governance structure in place to attract more foreign direct investment into Myanmar. The participants will also look at family governance especially succession planning by reviewing case studies of well-known families in Asia.

Directors also need to understand the story behind the numbers, financial statement analysis, and benchmarking of key financial indicators and ratios which are critical in understanding the financial health of companies, as well as a review of well- known financial frauds and the lessons that Directors can learn from these past case studies.

This course will be very interactive with reviews of many case studies around Asian countries to enforce key learning points and engagement with fellow participants and trainers through work examples to upskill and equip the Directors of Myanmar companies with knowledge and ability to lead in the ever-changing times of Myanmar business landscape.


| Program Objectives   

  • To understand the role of company directors and how they can serve the company more effectively.
  • To understand the Myanmar Companies’ Law and how this effects the role of Directors under this regulation.
  • To understand the decision-making mechanisms in terms of evaluating return of equity and internal controls.
  • To understand the importance of corporate governance and its impact on financial health of the company and shareholder value.
  • To understand succession planning in the context of family governance and board composition.


| Who should attend this program:   

  • Aspiring, newly-appointed, or current board members.
  • Senior management of corporations, the public sector and non-profit organisations.
  • Senior partners of professional firms who interact with boards and would like to understand the intricacies of directors’ roles and responsibilities.     


| Curriculum Contents:

| Language: 

Myanmar and English Language Program


| Duration

3 full days in person

  • 14, 15 and 16 February 2025, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm (Myanmar Time)


| Location: 

Novotel Yangon Max


| Delivery: 

  • Classroom lectures & case studies
  • Assessment for Director Certification Program
  • Director Certificate

*Certified directors will attain 8 Continuing Director Education (CDE) credits.


Important Notes:

  • Assessment for Director Certification Program will be with online Learning Management System (LMS) platform after 3-day Program with deadline.
  • In-person Certificate Awarding Ceremony will announce soon.
  • e-Certificate is available if you have an urgent matter to present.
  • Participants who have attended courses such as Governance for Directors, Finance for Directors programs will be provided with discounts for the DCP.
  • The sub-modules previously attended will count towards the DCP credit, allowing the participant to skip these modules during the DCP or attend them as refresher.


| Cost: 

MMK 2,000,000 for non-members (net of taxes and bank charges)

  • 20% discounts (Professional member)
  • 50% discounts (Certified members)
  • 20% discounts (Corporate Members)


| Registration:

Registration Deadline: 11 February 2025

Online Registration Link


Please contact or the office of Myanmar Institute of Directors.

Phone Number: +95 9 400151412, 400151419 and 427363904.

Download Brochure


The audit committee is one of the most important board committees. It plays a critical role in ensuring a company’s financial reporting is timely, reliable, and compliant, and its internal controls and risk management measures are effective. Numerous studies have confirmed that businesses can better mitigate risk, safeguard against mismanagement, and maximize shareholder value if they have sound corporate governance structures.

In Myanmar, the Companies Law – passed in December 2017 – is expected to modernize company formation and management and demand stronger oversight and corporate governance structures among the country’s corporations. These are important developments for Myanmar’s overall investment climate and ones that will require boards of directors, particularly audit committees, to play an active role.



The MIoD Audit Committee for Directors Program provides targeted board-level training for audit committee members and other directors or executives. Developed based on IFC’s methodology, the program aims to help you gain an in-depth understanding of the functioning of an Audit Committee. This is one of the most crucial components of a company’s corporate governance framework. The ACMP – facilitated by international and Myanmar directors, industry experts, and corporate governance professionals – is delivered through interactive and dynamic sessions and draws on relevant case studies to encourage discussions and peer exchange. It will:

  • Examine the fundamentals of an audit committee’s roles, duties, and responsibilities and it’s fit in the company’s governance structure.
  • Provide in-depth training on the committee’s oversight of key control functions, such as internal audit, risk management, financial reporting, compliance, and external audit.
  • Share leading practices, emerging trends, and case studies on the effectiveness of the audit committee and related topics.
  • Help your company develop a practical action plan to strengthen the effectiveness of the Audit Committee in your own organization.



  • Board Directors
  • Audit Committee Members
  • Senior Executives

(Previous attendees of the full Director Certification Program may attend this as a summary-level refresher but please note that some of the content will be repeated.)

Attendees will obtain 4 Continuing Directorship Education (CDE) credits by attending this program.



  • Understand the audit committee’s contributions to the work of the board
  • Identify how the audit committee helps improve the performance of your company
  • Learn how to set up and improve the functioning of your audit committee
  • Be equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to prepare for upcoming changes
  • Network and share experiences with peers and international facilitators



  • Introduction
  • Corporate Governance and the Role of the Board
  • Audit Committee Fundamentals
  • Risk Governance and Internal Controls
  • Internal Audit and Compliance
  • Audit Committee: Dynamics, Conduct, Ethics, and Integrity
  • Financial Reporting and External Audit
  • Special Topic
  • Bringing It All Together to Benefit Your Organization
  • Wrap-Up and Action Plan



The Program will be delivered in the Myanmar language with English Language materials.



4 half days Online program

  • 17, 18, 24 and 25 August 2024 (9:00 am – 12:30 pm)



Zoom Online



MMK 600,000 for non-members (net of taxes and bank charges)

  • 20% discounts (Professional member)
  • 50% discounts (Certified members)
  • 10% discounts (Corporate Members)





Please register by 14 August 2024.


To register, please contact Myanmar Institute of Directors at

Hotline: +95 9 400 151 412, +95 9 400 151 419, +95 9 427 363 904

Download Brochure and Faculties’ Profile


| About the Program

Every board member understands the importance of company finances. However, not every director is aware of their specific role and responsibilities in regard to financial governance and stewardship. This training is designed to equip directors that have a non-financial background with a deeper understanding of key financial issues, including how to spot red flags, vulnerabilities, and risks in company finances.

Specifically, the program will cover the following topics:

  • The director’s role and responsibilities in financial governance and reporting
  • The life cycle of business financing, including diverse sources of company finances and their advantages and disadvantages
  • How to interpret financial statements, including how to analyze business/financial information and use of ratios
  • Governance of external financial reporting, including standards and practices
  • Director’s checklist: key questions that each director should ask and how to spot red flags


|  Program Objectives

  • The director’s role and responsibilities in financial governance and reporting.
  • Key terminology, policies, and procedures governing financial reporting.
  • How financial statements are developed and what they represent.
  • Relevant questions to ask regarding company finances and how to understand the answers given.
  • How to ensure the company is solvent/liquid, profitable, and performing

*Prior knowledge of accounting or finance is not required.


| Who should attend this program:   

Board members, senior management of corporations, public sectors and non-profit organisations and senior partners of professional firms who may not be financial experts but need to be financial literate in order to effectively conduct corporate governance responsibilities. (Previous attendees of the full Director Certification Program may attend this as a summary-level refresher but please note that some of the content will be repeated.)


| Program Aganda: 

  • Introduction
  • Financial Governance
  • Basics of Interpreting Financial Statements
  • Accounting Fraud and Internal Control
  • Financing the Life Cycle of the Business
  • The Governance Practices of External Financial Reporting


| Program Duration: 

4 half-days online Program

17th – 18th & 24th – 25th February 2024

9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Myanmar Time


| Program Language: 

Facilitate in Myanmar Language with English Language materials


| Program Location: 

Zoom Online


| Program fees: 

MMK 600,000 for non-members (net of taxes and bank charges)

* 20% discounts (Professional member)

* 50% discounts (Certified member)

* 10% discounts (Corporate member)


Note: The attendees will get additional discounts for full DCP after attending the Finance for Director program. This attendance will allow you to skip the Finance modules of DCP or attend them as refresher.

Attendees will obtain 4 Continuing Directorship Education (CDE) credits by attending this program.


| Registration:

Please register by 14th February 2024 to reserve your spot. Spaces are limited – first come first served. Thank you.

Online Registration Link


Please contact or the office of Myanmar Institute of Directors.

Phone Number: +95 9 400151412, 400151419, 427 363 904

A special program of the DCP aimed at equipping directors serving on boards of banks and other financial institutions.  In addition, to addressing all the modules of the DCP above, DCP Banking is a longer course that dives deeper into risk management, regulation and compliance that are related to the banking sector.